Apr 24, 2016 | cwaite | 1561 views
PW Panthers: Exhibition Game #2
Really good job today girls. As the game went on the passing, decision making and effort got better & better. It was very nice to watch.
All of the girls will continue with the team to play another exhibition game.
Below is the roster for the game against BAD in St. Thomas Wednesday night 7:30 at Timkin.
513 501 508
504 409 410
411 415 507
403 404
506 503
408 511
I have been asked several times about the numbering code that has been used for the line-ups. If anyone is able to crack the code I will provide you with a $20 Tim's card. All Panthers will receive one free guess. After your second unsuccessful guess you will purchase me a small steeped tea with milk and sugar double cupped. The Devilette's that are trying to figure it out will owe me a medium. :) You can send your answers as well as any questions about the tryout process to me at c.waite@catalystfc.com.
Coach Waitor