Sep 09, 2015 | dhumphreys | 1305 views
2015/16 Atom C Roster
Thank you to all the girls and evaluators for working so hard during our evaluation skates.
It is with great anticipation that we announce the 2015/16 Atom C Roster:
Annett, Christine
Annett, Rachel
Collard, Delta
Collard, Kira
Fox, Katelyn
Gilchrist, Ella
Gilchrist, Gracie
Hortle, Emily
Humphreys, Emma
Kalita, Kaysee
Lee, Madeliene
Loebach, Rachel
Pellerine, Tessa
Pinnegar, Madelyn
Rady, Jessye
Smith, Mia
Watson, Rylan
Our first practice is Sunday at 9:15 am. We will have a short meeting with all the parents and players following practice. You will also be receiving information via email regarding our 1st tournament in just 10 days!
We have some work to do, girls, but I know we will have a ton of fun doing it!
Fear The Cat!
Coach Dave