Safety Protocols - PLEASE READ, News (St. Thomas Panthers)

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Sep 14, 2020 | bhepburn | 2000 views
Safety Protocols - PLEASE READ
To All,

In order to be permitted to enter the arena, each player must print, date, and sign the following two forms for EVERY ice session.
1. Arena Safe Entry Protocol 
2. OWHA Health_Screening_Questionaire 

Players need to enter at the same time and hand the documents to a team representative who will stay outside the building.

Read on for more details....

Some general guidance / direction on safety protocols:

1.  Hand the forms to a team/group representative, not the arena staff. (each team and association is responsible to maintain and collect both documents for a 30 day period)

2.  Ensure to gather and enter the building as a group, maintaining safe distancing protocols.  Enter the building 15-20 minutes BEFORE your scheduled ice time.  This allows the outgoing group to safely exit the building, while the incoming group gets ready.  This structure allows us to efficiently utilize active ice time, without the rink sitting idle.

3.  All players and coaches to remain in the dressing room until the flood is completed.  The ice monitor or coach will inform players when to exit the dressing room.

4.  Teams need to strictly adhere to change room assignments. 

5.  All exits are labelled, including directional arrows.  Adhere to the flow of traffic.

6.  Parents are NOT allowed to enter the building to tie skates, which includes helping goalies with their equipment.  There are no spectators at this time.  Only the group players, coaches and one female/trainer are permitted. 

7.  Remind players to wear masks when entering and exiting the building.  If players do not know where to go or what to do, please have them ask a coach.

8.  Players can NOT undress following the on-ice activity.  They must gather their belongings and leave the building.  

9.  In your group, please ensure there is a volunteer from the team to confirm receipt of all documents from each player, at every scheduled ice time.  Retain these forms, ensuring there is a full name, date and time of the session.

We certainly understand the newness of all our routines but we need to be vigilant in order to maintain a safe environment for all.  Arena staff are within their rights to deny entry or ask groups to leave.

We appreciate your immediate attention to these matters, much of which can be rectified with each group having a charge person (off ice monitor) to help coaching staff facilitate.

Thank you for your adherence to safety and arena protocols. 


