OWHA Resumes on ice development, News (St. Thomas Panthers)

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Jul 25, 2020 | bhepburn | 1738 views
OWHA Resumes on ice development

2019/2020 OWHA Registered Teams/Association that are in good standing may only conduct on-ice small group sessions with 2019/20 registered members; providing such sessions meet all OWHA and health requirements and that are conducted in facilities that are compliant with requirements. The end date for 2019/2020 registered members will be August 31 and all members will be fully insured. 

The new year, 2020/2021 will start as of September 1; releases to play should be available from associations around this time.  Permission to skate will not be processed until OWHA approves tryouts to begin. 

The Panther's board will be working towards a September start. The summer camp has been postponed however, if OWHA resumes tryouts for September, the board in this situation will look at running the summer camp in late August.  OWHA has not approved associations to collect fees as of yet. 
