Award Winner #3, News (St. Thomas Panthers)

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May 02, 2020 | Mary Thibert | 1450 views
Award Winner #3
Hello fellow Panthers I hope everyone is doing well. We are all hoping we can see everyone soon. I would like to encourage everyone to continue to watch the site for any changes. With that being said I would like to introduce the winner of the Peewee Community Involvement Award.

Peewee Community Involvement Award

This award is not only going to one girl but a whole team. Together they worked very hard and out did everyone's expectations. This team reached out to the women's shelter in St.Thomas, they were provided a list of things that were needed, they all filled that list together and went above and beyond. After taking the donations to the shelter they were invited to stay for pizza and learn about the shelter and what they do. As the girls listened they learned that the shelter was also in need of books, that was not a problem for this group of girls, they collected over 1000 books for the shelter. I could not be more proud of this group of girls in the work they have done and the lessons they have learned along the way. Working together on and off the ice, helping the community and spreading the word that we have a beautiful place to go for help if you ever need it. These girls are waiting for the chance to head back and help out more with cooking meals for the residents. This group of girls changed a life for someone in this community but I'm sure that they didn't think it would be their coach.

Congratulations to the Peewee C Team
