Coaching evaluation & Coaching applications, News (St. Thomas Panthers)

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Feb 05, 2020 | bhepburn | 1880 views
Coaching evaluation & Coaching applications

Evaluation form:

Head Coach applications are now being accepted for the following teams:
U9(Novice) Rep/HL
U11(Atom) 3 teams
U13(Peewee) 3 teams
U15(Bantam) 3 teams
U18(Midget) 3 teams

Head Coach Applications

If interested please fill out the online coaching application on the website under the coaches tab by February 8.  




Panther's organization has continued to grow in member's year after year providing a safe competitive environment for all our players and volunteers. We will once again be offering 3 teams at U11, U13, U15, and U18 age levels. A-AA, B-BB, C-HL . Categories are subject to change ... Probably our top teams will be A teams but decision will be made at tryouts and confirmed in September after playing in preseason games.  The Panther's will continue to provide health and wellness sessions, player skill development and goalie training for the 2020-2021 season. Tryouts for the spring will be held between April 13 – May 31, 2020. 

