Novice A-B-C teams, News (St. Thomas Panthers)

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May 18, 2019 | bhepburn | 2076 views
Novice A-B-C teams
 St.Thomas Panthers are happy to offer Novice A-B-C teams for 2019-20 season.
 If you would like more information and/or like to help out with this new season please email: [email protected]

OWHA in conjunction with Hockey Canada are providing Guidelines for two different Seasonal Structures.  Refer to the link below for what OWHA has posted on their website.   

Option 1: Novice Seasonal Structure - Full Season of Half Ice Play.

  • Option 1 would be for teams consisting of all Minor Novice Age Players (2012).

  • Option 1 would also apply to teams that consist of Mixed Novice Age Players (2012 & 2011) - if requested.

  • Option 1 would also apply to any team/association that wishes to participate in only the Half Ice Play for the entire season.  Regardless of birth year. 

Option 2 - Novice Seasonal Structure - Transition to Full-Ice Play

  • Option 2 would be for teams consisting of all Major Novice Age Players (2011)

  • Option 2 would also apply to teams that consist of Mixed Novice Age Players (2012 & 2011) - if requested.

  • If a team consists of Mixed Novice Age Players and participates in Option 2 (Transition), it would be understood that the minor age players would revert back to Half Ice Play at the beginning of the 2020/2021 Season and repeat the same Seasonal Structure for their Major Age season.


    OWHA has yet to make any formal statement on the participation of players born in 2013 for Novice.  All the information provide to date only refers to 2011/2012 Birth Years.  It is our current understanding that if an Association requires 2013 Birth Year Players to participate in order to completed rosters, the team will be considered Minor Novice and play in the Option 1: Novice Seasonal Structure – Full Season of Half Ice Play.  We will be actively seeking clarification from OWHA on this item and will address at the AGM in June 2019.


As in past years, WOGHL will be maintaining our “Seeded Divisions” for Novice following the first 4 games of the Development Phase. In association with the team coaches (via Survey Monkey) WOGHL will create Loops based on Location (as best we can) and Competition.  This will ensure that travel is minimized for most teams and there is as much parity as possible between teams in each Seeded Division.

We also ask that when you submit your ITR’s for Novice you indicate if the team being registered is one of the following:

  1. Major Novice (2011)

  2. Mixed Novice (2011 & 2012)

  3. Minor Novice (2012)

    Finalization of the Novice League Structure will be discussed with Association Representatives at the WOGHL AGM and will be reviewed once all the Intent to Register forms have been received and the total number of teams is confirmed.


    Please also review the following Links for Reference and Information:


    Game Play Guidelines for Half Ice


    Hockey Canada/OWHA Policy of Novice Hockey


    Rules for Half Ice Hockey


    Introduction to Novice Hockey – For Parents
