Sep 27, 2017 | dhumphreys | 2001 views
Panther's Top 10 #2 - Creativity
Becoming a great player (and person) means a lot of things coming together a the right time. In hockey, we think a lot about developing a player's ability to skate, pass, shoot,etc. What we don't always work on is their creativity. If we were to list the qualities of some of the greatest players (across all sports), or greatest people, the one thing that would come up over and over is their creativity. With that said, maybe we need to be concentrating on creativity in all facets of life.
Here are the Top 10 Ways to Develop Creative Youth Players as provided by BelievePHQ
10-Give players the opportunity to improvise and use their imagination
9-Ask questions of your players to develop analytical thinkers
8-Provide challenge for your players
7-Adapt your coaching style to meet the needs of your athletes
6-Don't constantly instruct players -telling them what to always do
5-Allow Players to take risks
4-Plan sessions where players must problem solve on their own
3-Play athletes in a range of positions
2-Develop players who are self aware
I found this quote and thought it spoke volumes with regards to the broader importance of developing creativity.
"Creativity is not just for artists. It's for business-people looking for a new way to close a sale; it's for engineers trying to solve a problem; it's for parents who want their children to see the world in more than one way."
Twyla Tharp