Panther Top 10 #1, News (St. Thomas Panthers)

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Sep 21, 2017 | dhumphreys | 1803 views
Panther Top 10 #1
Throughout the year, I'd like to post some "Top 10" lists.  These might be anything to do with sports or life.   Anything that will help develop the total person...Total Panther!  Hockey is more than hockey.

Here is Top 10 List #1

This was sent to me via email last night.  I'd love to give credit where credit is due, but it was not referenced.
Top 10 Signs You Are A Great Teammate
10- You are willing to play any role that helps the team
9- You would rather score less and win, than score a lot and lose
8- When your team score, the first people you congratulate are your teammates
7- You love practice as much as games
6- You respect your opponent but don't fear them
5- You listen, are coachable and respect your coaches and officials
4- You are quick to pick up a teammate who is having a tough day
3- You help younger teammate who have less experience
2- You learn and grow from your own mistakes and others
1- You are confident but not arrogant.

While the order may be up for debate, I think the content hits the mark.

This weekend as many of our teams represent the Panthers at our Big Cat as well as other tournaments, let's keep the bigger picture in mind!  What can you do to make those around you better?

If you have a Top 10 list you believe our daughters or their teams would benefit from, please email them to me.
[email protected]