Tournament Updates, News, Panthers on the Prowl, 2023-2024 (St. Thomas Panthers)

This Tournament is part of the 2023-2024 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 19, 2023 | Greg Van Herten | 746 views
Tournament Updates

Our St Thomas Panthers board and tournament volunteers are excited to host your teams in a couple short weeks.   As we are working through our final preparations for the tournament, I wanted to take the opportunity to pass on the following information as there have been some common questions submitted.

After a few team updates caused some delays, we are happy to announce that the schedule is live on our website.
As per OWHA regulations, we will be using electronic gamesheets for our tournament.  We will be uploading these games in the coming days.   They will auto-populate if you have that setup in your app for regular games.  Please be sure all coaches are completing their gamesheets prior to each game.
We no longer require rosters to be submitted to us.   Team rosters will automatically be available in the Gamesheets app.
Calling up players will be done via hat app as per usual procedure.  We do not need to be notified of call ups as long as they are properly noted in your Gamesheet app.
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