Aug 27, 2019 | ppellerine | 601 views
How can you help out?
Hiya Team! Hope you are enjoying this last week of summer. As we prepare to start a new season, we are hoping to spread some of the responsibilities out over our parent group to help ease the load a bit. If you want to help out but don't have the time to make a huge commitment, please consider some of the following ways to help out.
1) Timekeepers - I would like to make up a timekeeper schedule this year at the beginning of the season. It's the perfect way for high school students to earn some volunteer hours. If you or someone you know is interested, please drop me a line to get added to the list.
2) Fundraisers - Ideally we need about 3-4 fundraisers spaced throughout the season. It works best if a different person organizes each one. IF you have a suggestion for a fundraiser and would like to organize it, please let me know asap.
3) Community events - We would like to continue our tradition of giving back to the St Thomas Community. We are looking for someone to organize these periodic events. In the past, we have collected socks for Grace Cafe, food drive for the local Food Bank, etc. All ideas welcome!
4) Social events - The coaches will likely take care of team building events for the girls, but we need someone to organize team get-togethers such as dinners during our tournaments.
Thanks in advance for your contributions! Many hands make light work :) Its going to be a great year!