Midget Second Team - Additional Tryout Information, News, Midget BB, 2017-2018 (St. Thomas Panthers)

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This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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May 10, 2017 | cwaite | 1170 views
Midget Second Team - Additional Tryout Information
Want to update everyone on a few things and remind people to check the Midget Team website the morning after each skate as well as the ex games.   I will do my best to have it updated by noon the next day if not earlier.

It looks like we are going to have 30 plus skaters and several goalies tonight. It is a busy time of year as there are school trips, soccer games, work and other commitments happening so please update me at [email protected] if you have a conflict and I will work around that.  

Have spoken to several families and there will be a third Panther Team so girls will have a place to play.  A couple of parents have already shown interest in being involved with coaching that team.

Some girls will not make the second team and that can be a difficult & emotional thing for many.  Whether it is playing with friends, wanting to play at a higher level or whatever, not getting on a team you want to be on sucks.   But it is not the end of the world and not getting on the team you want in the first or even second year of Midget is normal as you are competing with many more girls that are older, stronger and better.  Like anything in life when you have a set-back only you can determine what to do next.  If you decide to work harder and stay positive you will eventually get to where you want in sport and life.

In terms of choosing this team, here is what has happened to this point.  In the last couple of months I have watched a minimum of 8 games for each of last years Bantam teams, Midget C team and Midget A team.  Have received feedback from each of last year coaches on every player.  Was able to get out to each of the Midget A tryouts this year and have gotten feedback on all players that attended those skates from the people that evaluated.

Tonight we have several non-parent evaluators that have nothing to do with girls hockey and do not know the players.  There will be a goalie coach as well as coaches from last year and board evaluators.

After tonight each player that did not attend the Midget A skates will have a chance to get into a minimum of one of the four exhibition games.  If for any reason your daughter does not want to play in any of the games let me know, and as a returning Panther she will have a spot on the third Panther team.

Again you can reach out to me at anytime via the email above to set up a time to talk.  If you give me a call I may only have a second so we will have to agree on a time that works for both of us.

Finally as I said in the other update:

My tryout message to the girls is that when your team has the puck keep it and when your team doesn’t have it work as hard as possible to get it back.  Individual play, long shifts, and shooting the puck away will not get anyone on this team. 



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