August Update, News, Bantam A ('00-'01), 2014-2015 (St. Thomas Panthers)

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This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Aug 27, 2014 | tcarlson | 1072 views
August Update
The season will soon be in full swing so I just wanted to give everyone a quick update of what's going on in September.

Practices - We begin practicing on September 4th.  Player please bring you own water bottles and jersey.

Typically my practices are set up like this;

 Goalies have 1/3 of the ice to do their own warm-up and have 15-20 min to work specifically with the goalie coach.
 Player warm-up up skate.  I like to work on skating skills such as edge control, quick feet and powerskating.
Individual skills 
 I usually run stations to maximize ice time. Each station will work on an individuals skill such as puck control, shooting,  skating, passing.

Unit Skills
Forward and defence break off to work on position specific skills.

Team Concepts and Systems
Player will be challenged with learning and practicing team specific concepts and systems.

Drills to enhance third period play, speed and endurance.

Exhibition Games
Check the website calendar as exhibition games are being added.  I recommend subscribing to the calendar.  You can do this and reciev texts or emails or both whenever there is a addition, deletion or change to the schedule or an article is posted.